BRGM contributes to the dialogue between science and society. To this end, it organises meetings in the regions, to provide opportunities for outreach and discussion. A meeting in the Occitanie region was held on 6 December 2018 in Toulouse.

As a public institution for research and expert studies, BRGM contributes to the dialogue between science and society in its different fields. 

Establishing a dialogue with civil society representatives in the French regions 

BRGM's regional representatives organise meetings with representatives of civil society groups to discuss regional environmental questions relating to BRGM's areas of expertise and on which papers and articles have been published. 

These meetings provide opportunities for open and constructive discussions. They stimulate exchanges of knowledge - or of knowledge "gaps” - questions from all parties and the expression of their expectations, while observing the ethical principles that guarantee transparency and trust and preserve the independent judgement of all concerned. 

Summary of the meeting held in Toulouse on 6 December 2018 

Topic on the agenda  

“Climate Change and Water: Matching Needs and Resources" 

Date and venue 

6 December 2018 at the Maison régionale de l'environnement in Toulouse 


A day of training and discussions on "Climate change and water: matching needs and resources", intended for the volunteers of the Associations for the Protection of Nature and the Environment (APNE) of the Adour-Garonne basin, was organised by France Nature Environnement Midi-Pyrénées. This day is part of an annual four-day training cycle on water issues. 

BRGM, alongside Météo France, EDF, Solagro, AFB, Toulouse Métropole (director for the domestic water supply cycle) and the Adour-Garonne Water Agency (AEAG), took part in training for the APNE volunteers, whose expectations were to better understand the state of groundwater resources in the Adour-Garonne basin in the climate change context and to discuss their respective roles and positions on this issue. 


30 people representing various APNE affiliated to FNE Midi-Pyrénées 

Specific points, participants' expectations and questions, discussions 

The volunteers wanted to: 

  • receive training and documentation 
  • jointly consider models other than the creation of new water reserves as the only response to climate change at present. 
  • strengthen their position: climate change means less water for rivers and aquifers, so water infiltration and groundwater recharge must be promoted.